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Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a challenging journey that requires a holistic approach. While therapy and emotional support play crucial roles, it's essential to recognize the impact of nutrition, exercise, and relaxation on the healing process. Let's explore how food choices, eating habits, and lifestyle adjustments contribute to the recovery and healing from narcissistic abuse.

The Mind-Body Connection:

Understanding the intricate connection between mental and physical health is vital in the recovery process. A healthy brain is key to reducing anxiety, depressive moods, and overall stress levels. Therefore, incorporating practices that support both mental and physical well-being becomes paramount.

Nutrition as a Healing Tool:

The food we consume directly affects our body's ability to heal and recover. Opting for a plant-based diet, free from gluten, can be particularly beneficial. Emphasizing whole, nutrient-dense foods supports brain health and promotes emotional well-being.

Somatic Exercises for Emotional Release:

Somatic exercises, which involve the integration of body and mind, can aid in releasing stored tension and trauma. Engaging in activities like yoga, tai chi, or mindful movement practices helps reconnect with the body and release emotional energy trapped within. These exercises contribute to the overall healing process by promoting self-awareness and grounding.

Mindful Eating and Emotional Well-being:

Eating mindfully is not just about the food itself but also about the emotional connection we have with it. Individuals recovering from narcissistic abuse may have developed unhealthy relationships with food as a coping mechanism. Practicing mindful eating encourages a conscious and intentional approach to meals, fostering a positive relationship with nourishment.

The Role of Relaxation Techniques:

Chronic stress is a common consequence of narcissistic abuse, impacting both mental and physical health. Implementing relaxation techniques such as sound baths, sound healing with deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help calm the nervous system. These practices contribute to emotional regulation, reducing the overall impact of stress on the healing process.

Building a Supportive Routine:

Creating a routine that incorporates nutritious, plan-based, gluten-free meals, regular somatic exercise, and relaxation practices establishes a foundation for recovery. Consistency in self-care activities reinforces a sense of stability and control, crucial elements in overcoming the destabilizing effects of narcissistic abuse.


Healing from narcissistic abuse is a multifaceted journey that requires a comprehensive approach. By acknowledging the role of nutrition, exercise, and relaxation in the recovery process, individuals can empower themselves to rebuild their lives. Embracing a holistic lifestyle not only fosters physical well-being but also contributes to mental and emotional resilience, paving the way for a brighter and healthier future.

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At Steps to Healing, we extend a warm and compassionate welcome to those who have endured the harrowing journey of narcissistic abuse. We understand the pain, confusion, and trauma that can result from such experiences, and we are here to provide a safe haven where you can embark on your path to healing.

Your Safe Space for Healing

Narcissistic abuse can leave deep emotional scars, impacting your self-esteem, self-worth, and overall well-being. At Steps to Healing, we believe in the power of self-healing and personal growth. Here, you will find a safe space to begin your journey towards recovery and empowerment.

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We offer a wide range of resources and self-healing tools that can help you regain control over your life. Our carefully curated content and courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to heal, grow, and thrive. Whether you're seeking guidance on rebuilding your self-esteem, managing emotional triggers, or fostering healthy relationships, we have the resources to assist you on your healing journey.

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Our courses are thoughtfully crafted to guide you through every step of your healing process. From understanding the dynamics of narcissistic abuse to reclaiming your self-worth and rebuilding your life, our expertly designed programs will empower you to take charge of your healing journey. Join our community of survivors who are committed to their growth and well-being.

At Steps to Healing, we know that healing is not just a destination; it's a journey.

We are here to accompany you every step of the way, providing guidance, support, and a nurturing community of like-minded individuals who understand your struggles.

Thank you for choosing Steps to Healing as your partner in healing and growth. We look forward to witnessing your transformation and celebrating your journey towards a happier, healthier, and more empowered life.

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Discover Comprehensive Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Support - All in One Place.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards healing and empowerment after experiencing narcissistic abuse? Look no further. Our website is your sanctuary of solace and strength, offering a wealth of free resources and expert recommendations to guide you towards recovery.

  • Holistic Healing: Access a wealth of free resources that cover every aspect of narcissistic abuse recovery. Articles, videos, and tools await your exploration.
  • Global Network: Find the best therapists, coaches, counselors, and trauma-informed practitioners worldwide, specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery. Your ideal guide is just a click away.
  • Empowering Community: Connect with survivors who understand your journey. Share, support, and draw strength from a community committed to resilience.
  • Expert Guidance: Vetted recommendations ensure you choose the right support to speed up and ease your healing process.
  • Compassionate Guidance: We're here to support your courage in seeking help. You're not alone; we stand by you.
  • Hope and Empowerment: Rekindle hope, reclaim your power, and thrive again. Your healing journey starts here.
  • Narcissistic Abuse-Education & Peer Support.

Explore, connect, and empower yourself. We hope you'll find the perfect fit for your healing.

What people are saying

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Steps To Healing has been a lifeline for me in my journey to heal from narcissistic abuse. The courses offered are not only affordable but incredibly insightful. The support and peer community have been a source of comfort and understanding that I couldn't find anywhere else. Thank you for creating this safe space for survivors like me! Sarah

— Sarah, Toronto

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Thank you for the coaching and community at Steps To Healing. It's been a game-changer in my recovery journey.

— Betty, London

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I stumbled upon Steps To Healing when I was at my lowest point after escaping an abusive relationship. The resources and support I found here have been nothing short of amazing. The wisdom and experience shared by the founder and the community have guided me on my path to recovery. I can't recommend this this group enough to anyone in need of healing after narcissistic abuse xx

— Maria, Manchester

Katy Morgan

Hey! I am Katy Morgan, the founder of Steps to Healing after narcissistic abuse group on FB.

My journey began a few years ago, in the aftermath of narcissistic psychopath abuse, grappling with the challenges of PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Not giving up, I used my strength to create a successful community to support myself and others.

In my case, journey to recovery was no walk in the park. Confronting severe PTSD, anxiety, and depression, I faced unemployment and even homelessness in Dublin—an experience that became a testament to my unwavering determination.

But from those dark depths, I rebuilt my life..


On weekdays, I'm a professional document controller, weaving through the world of organized chaos in the office world.

On weekends, you'll find me immersed in my passions: -organizing events, performing as a soul-soothing sound healing artist and a creative foodie content creator!

As a part of my healing, I've recently returned to my creative roots and harnessed my culinary skills, focusing on vegan cooking (The Vegan Senses).

I am a Certified Life Coach and professional Festival Manager & Sound Producer.

On our group Steps To Healing After Narcissistic Abuse, I facilitate email coaching courses on our platform, offering support to survivors of narcissistic abuse.

I invite you to join me on Steps to Healing. Together, we'll walk towards a brighter future.